First Line Managment - Introduction to Leadership

Team leading skills are an essential part of today’s management portfolio. If you want to achieve your targets and key objectives, the likelihood is that you will have to lead a group of individuals in a task.

This course is aimed at helping managers achieve greater results through developing high performance teams.

    • Define the roles of leader and manager

    • Identify your preference in action centred leadership

    • Recognise how people at work are treated is a reflection of values

    • Recognise how teams evolve and be able to assess your team’s evolutionary position

    • Investigate an approach to determine the most effective style of influencing

    • Describe how people may be motivated by different factors in the workplace

    • Manage conflict constructively

    • Describe how delegation is a key leadership asset

    • Review the advantages and risks of giving and receiving feedback

  • Anyone who is new to the role of leading a team or wants to develop their existing skills in this area will benefit from attending this course.

    • Establish personal objectives for the course

    • What is the role of a manager and leader?

    • The greatest leaders of all time

    • Basic principles of management

    • Completion and analysis of a personal leadership skills profile

    • Applying action centred leadership

    • Team values

    • Characteristics of an effective team

    • Helpful and hindering team member behaviours

    • The four stage model of team development

    • The theory and application of situational leadership

    • The importance of goal setting

    • What causes motivation and de-motivation in the workplace?

    • Building motivation in your team

    • The delegation process

    • Giving and receiving feedback

    • Conflict handling - completion and analysis of your personal conflict handling modes profile

    • Participation in and analysis of, experiential learning activities

    • Completion of a personal action plan


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Availabilty and pricing available upon request.


Leadership Presence


Leading Virtual Teams